Eye See You and Me

For decades, I would fill up disposable camera rolls and SIM cards with photos of the world around me or people that I knew posing with a smile. Trees, rocks, buildings, and roadkill were artfully documented…but, I barely had pictures of myself beyond my school days. It is bittersweet to live a full life and enjoy the moment without turning the camera on yourself. But, as I get older, I long for more visual evidence that I existed since 1985 to share with family and friends! My nephew’s favorite picture is of me and my brother (his dad) at the beach when we were small children.

Bullying about my appearance or gossip about my character from other women, along with my introverted nature, made me want to exist behind the scenes. I wanted my work and art to shine ahead of me, but now I realize that I deserve to be seen and recognized just like anyone else. Selfies are a form of self-representation which is a powerful notion since women have been represented in the media for the male gaze for far too long. This year, I made a promise to take a photo at least once a month, even if I never publish it.

If you are the type of person that turns your camera outwards or upwards, take a moment to celebrate your life on Earth. It’s not about what you look like, it’s about feeling worthy of documentation. Instead of dog filters or face enhancement filters, try layering a hand-drawn doodle, an inspirational quote, or a song lyric over the photo to create a positive vibe and a happy memory.

Have a Pleasant Day
-Rae Pleasant 

Rae Pleasant Childhood age 5.jpg



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