Welcome to pleasantfolk.com, a website (Site) solely operated by Rae Pleasant (Owner), owner of Pleasant Folk LLC (PF). The Site is a portfolio, e-commerce, blog, and general entertainment site. By engaging with, viewing, and clicking on pleasantfolk.com (Site), you agree to the Terms and Conditions. Please read carefully and contact me with any questions.

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Orders take a minimum of one week to process and ship from North Texas (this excludes delivery time). PF is not responsible for damage, delay, or loss of purchased items during shipping. Please contact the carrier directly for details about shipping concerns. No returns or exchanges at this time. If more than five items, or more than five items of a singular kind, are bought in a single transaction, PF reserves the right to refuse sale to protect inventory availability or to ward off resellers.

Items for purchase on this Site are depicted and described as best as possible, but buyer accepts all liability upon purchase. There is no intent to deceive the customer about any item for purchase regarding color, condition, size, availability, or any other factor. Most items for sale on this Site are antique, vintage, or secondhand, usually of natural materials, thus wear and tear reflect its history of use. Imperfections are to be expected and not cause for return. This disclaimer applies to ALL listings.

There is no guaranteed availability of pictured items within blog posts or webpage content. Any given item for sale on this Site may also be for sale in person at various locations and in-person sales are honored before online sales. Any given item for sale on this Site may be for sale on other digital platforms and the first buyer generally gets the item. Thank you for your purchase and understanding!

Your use of the Site is subject to our Privacy Policy. Please review the Privacy Policy below which governs the Site and informs users of the data collection practices. While your privacy is expected, it cannot be guaranteed by PF on the world wide web. Please take your own precautions for your safety and privacy online.

What constitutes as electronic communications on the Site are as follows: Visiting the Site may prompt you to enter your email address for the mailing list and, by doing so, you consent to receive electronic communications. Purchasing items from the e-commerce section of the Site will prompt you to enter your email address and, by doing so, you consent to receive electronic communications. Registering for events via this Site will prompt you to enter your email address and, by doing so, you consent to electronic communications. Sending emails to pleasant.folk@gmail.com is consent to electronic communication. You may opt out of electronic communications at any time by following the procedure for unsubscribing to the mailing list.

If you are under the age of thirteen, you must ask your parent or guardian for permission to use this Site. If you are a parent or guardian, please review the Site first and monitor your child’s online activity. While there is an earnest attempt to make this Site kid-friendly and useable, this Site does not guarantee that ALL webpages and content are appropriate or intended for children under thirteen.

The Site may contain links to other websites (Linked Sites) or use print-on-demand services (PoD) for products. The Linked Sites and PoDs are not under the control the this Site and Pleasant Folk LLC is not responsible for the experience of the user at any Linked Site or PoD service. This includes, without limitation, any link contained on this Site to the Linked Sites or within the Linked Sites. PF and this Site are providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by PF of every aspect of the Linked Site or its operators. PF cannot guarantee your privacy when clicking Linked Sites, visiting Linked Sites, purchasing from Linked Sites, or purchasing from print-on-demand sites.

Certain services made available via Linked Sites are delivered by third party sites and companies. Squarespace.com, MailChimp, Go Daddy, and all other Linked Sites are operated independently from this Site and not the responsibility of the Owner. By using or purchasing any product, service, or functionality from a Linked Site, originating from this Site’s domain, you hereby acknowledge and consent that this Site may share your information and data with that third party Linked Site. You acknowledge that this Site may have a contractual relationship with the third party to provide the requested information in order to provide or facilitate to you the said product, service, or functionality. PF and its owner may financially benefit from any purchases made via Linked Sites hosted on this domain.

You are granted non-exclusive, non-transferrable, revocable permission to access and use this Site and its contents as a bystander. As a condition, you agree to PF, and its Owner, that you will not use the Site or its content for redistribution, profit, or to claim false affiliation or ownership. You may not damage, disable, overburden, hack, or impair the Site or interfere with any third party’s use or affiliation. You may not use, or profit from, the personal information of any user of this site or publish it.

You may not violate copyright and trademark laws for items, text, photos, artwork, video, audio, services, and other content on this Site, which are the physical and intellectual property of PF and its Owner. This Site does not claim to own the intellectual property of items, images, artwork, text, audio, or software etc. not created by the Owner of this Site and PF. You agree to observe, respect, and abide by all copyright, proprietary notices, legends, bylines, or other restrictions contained in this Site.

You will not modify, publish, transmit, reverse engineer, participate in the transfer or sale, create derivative works, or in any way exploit any of the content, in whole or in part, found on this Site. This Site’s content is not for resale. Your use of the Site does not entitle you to make any unauthorized use of, or changes to, any protected content, and in particular you will not delete or alter any proprietary rights or attribution notices in any content. You will use protected content solely for your personal use in reading, looking, or listening. Sharing content via weblinks from this Site while keeping all credits intact is permitted for the purpose of growing the userbase of this Site. You agree that in doing so, you do not acquire any ownership rights in any protected content. All rules herein apply to the Owner’s social media accounts as well.

All aspects of the Owner’s personal being, included but not limited to name, voice, face, body, and hair cannot be used or reproduced commercially, or otherwise, without the express written permission of the Owner. This includes said personal and physical attributes in any form, at any age, or in any movement, motion, position, clothing etc. The Owner maintains the copyright to her physical being throughout time for her lifetime and beyond. No person who has captured the likeness of the Owner (photographer, videographer, sound recorder, etc.) holds copyright of the captured likeness over the Owner herself. This is inherently agreed upon.

The likeness of the owner cannot be used to impersonate the owner, to falsify facial recognition security, or any other imposter purposes. Artificial intelligence, photo editing, facial re-enactment, or any form of digital falsification, is NOT permitted to reproduce the likeness of the Owner at all in any way including, the face, body, hair, and voice.

Likenesses, aspects and attributes of the Owner captured in government buildings, outdoors, or public settings, etc. cannot be used or reproduced in any form, especially for profit or commercial reasons, without the express written permission of the Owner. If written permission is granted, the Owner may be able to recoup compensation or commission or change the terms of said permission at any time. This applies to my social media accounts as well.

At this time, the Site may not allow direct user generated content, images, or comments for the consumption of other users unless paying guests or patrons are logged in. Feedback, comments, suggestions etc. submitted to this Site, PF, and its Owner, via electronic communication, analog forms, in-person communication, telephone communication, etc. become the Owner’s property thereof. These communications may be published or incorporated into content without compensation or permission. Measures to protect your personal identity may be taken.

The Site is controlled, operated, and administered from the USA. If you access the Site from a location outside of the USA, you are responsible for compliance with all local laws and international laws. All terms and conditions still apply regardless of the country from where you access the Site. Squarespace.com, MailChimp, Go Daddy, and all other Linked Sites are operated independently from this Site and not the responsibility of the Owner.

You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless PF and the Site, the Owner, third party Linked Sites for any losses, costs, liabilities, and expenses relating to or arising out of your purchase, use of, or inability to use, the Site, goods, or services.

In the event PF is not able to resolve any dispute with customers, clients, visitors, or patrons of this Site concerning the Terms and Conditions, or any other matter, then such dispute will be resolved in arbitration pursuant to the Federal Arbitration Act. This will be conducted by a single neutral arbitrator and administered by the American Arbitration Association, or a similar service while the Owner reserves the right to represent herself. Any arbitration under these Terms and Conditions will take place on an individual basis, class arbitrations and class actions are not permitted. PF reserves the right to seek legal action and litigation for outgoing complaints.

The information, software, products, text, artwork, audio, video, and services etc. included in, or available through, this Site may hold inaccuracies or errors. Therefore, changes, edits, or updates are periodically made to the information herein, with or without an error or inaccuracy having occurred. PF, the Owner, and this Site, along with third party Linked Sites, may make changes to their respective Sites at any time with or without notating a change, edit, or update has occurred.

PF reserves the right to change, subtract, add, or edit the Terms and Conditions offered here. The most current version of the Terms and Conditions will supersede all previous versions. Please periodically review the Terms and Conditions, as well as other pertinent pages, to stay informed.

This Site reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate your access to the Site and the related services and goods without notice for any reason, but specifically for safety or privacy of the Owner and/or users of the Site. All persons that the Owner holds a restraining order or protective order against are not permitted to interact with this Site, Linked Sites originating from this Site, or make electronic contact described above.


By registering for the mailing list, purchasing goods on this Site or Linked Sites, or other methods of inputting your contact information into this Site in ways described above, you consent to have your contact information viewed, stored, or used by PF, the Owner, this Site, or Linked Sites.

Even without doing so, the Site collects anonymized information such as browser type, search results, webpages visited, general location of visitor, and IP address etc.

This Site will make no deliberate attempt to sell or trade your personal information to another company or individual. Information collected is for the purpose of imparting the goods and services of the Site. Third party affiliates may have access to your personal information if you engage their services by clicking on Linked Sites, making purchases on Linked Sites originating from this Site, or purchasing print-on-demand goods and what they do with your information is not the responsibility of PF, this Site, or its Owner.

Your self-input personal information is accessible by the Site administrator via login security system online. Your information is protected based on the provisions provided to the administrator via the software of Squarespace.com, Google analytics, Printful, and Mailchimp. This Site, PF, and the Owner, are not responsible for the security of your information on third party sites. Security breaches, hacks, and infiltrations of this Site are not the responsibility of the Owner, PF, or this Site whom may all harmed by such malicious acts.

This Site, Linked Sites, and PoDs, may use ‘cookies’ to enable a smooth online experience. A cookie is a file that is placed on your hard disk by a webpage server. It is read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you in order to retrieve this information quickly or repeatedly when browsing a web page or website. This Site makes no claim to be experts in the field of technology or impart hard facts on the subject. Please research if cookies are right for you and seek to disable cookies in your browser if you feel the need.

Updated January 12th, 2022
Updated, July 8th, 2023



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